TAC-6E Lightweight and Modular Protection Bomb Suit
The Med-Eng TAC-6E is a highly versatile lightweight suit that protects public safety and military personnel including tactical teams from threats posed by IEDs and other explosive hazards.
The TAC-6E provides a unique combination of mobility and scalable protection against blast and fragmentation.
Its modular protective components can be added or removed at any point during the mission to form an integrated system that meets specific operational and protective requirements.
The TAC-6E uses modular and scalable components to enable users to very easily and quickly reconfigure their protection for use in a wide range of missions.
Each protective item is ergonomically designed to allow for a full range of motion without physical strain.
The TAC-6E can be worn with a military or law enforcement agency’s in-service body armor. For facial protection, Med-Eng offers 8 Visor Systems that easily affix to Tactical helmets, including models that can accommodate a Breathing Apparatus.